All posts tagged: Logo Design

HFBK Choir // Identity Design and Concert Marketing Material

The HFBK-Chor is a choir consisting of a collection of rugged individualists who are graduates  from the visual arts, design and architecture faculties of Hamburg’s most respected Fine Arts Institution the Hochschule für bildende Künste. In reality, it’s been a few semesters since most of the singers graced the halls of that august institution but that’s […]

© Tessa Scott

der kleine Sprachsalon // Language School Identity

The multi-talented Stintje Hüllsiek is the brains behind a language school with a difference; der kleine Sprachsalon (the little language salon) was conceived by the languages and theatre specialist while on a break from full-time teaching. At the kleine Sprachsalon, students enjoy the benefit of Oxbridge style tutorial sessions in groups of between 3 and 6 learners in a […]